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Hi! I'm Putri Rex from Malaysia. I don't just go through life, but I grow through life.. Alhamdulillah!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

I want a maternity jumpsuit : Week 13

eI forget how to start writing :) Been missing for almost 2 months. Sorry, but just so you know I'm now in Malaysia for already 1 month. Happy and very happy! 

Okay, as to keep myself informative during the whole pregnancy time, I want to keep my blog updated. Yela, you know, when we write an entry sometimes kita akan google dulu to make sure facts yang kita nak share 'tip-top'. So bila tak update blog, I jarang-jarang nak google atau browsing through the internet. And plus, this human inside me :) taking my energy and I sleep alot! 

So, how's your Saturday? Fadhil kerja. So I spend my day with my sisters :) 

My baby sister, Alia,10. She can't believe that she's going to be Mak Su :)
Hari-hari I balik mesti pegang perut. Hehe
Anis, 20. She's in her final sems. And next year she'll officially be a nurse :) Very proud of her!

Ya-Allah,lama gila tak keluar macam ni. We had so much fun!

Much love,


amenot said...

love your bracelet..chanel ker??

dey said...

put..glowing nyeeeer awak ;)

miSz cHa said...

perut kak put3 da makin besar ea..
take care ye sis=D

Putri Rex said...

Mis cha: hehe Tula, semi seluar dah tak muat ni! Hehe
Dey: hehe thanks dey! Awak tu Apa kurangnya..
Amenot: I wish it's chanel am!!! Hehe, no it's guess, I guest? Hehe..

fara.rahman said...

huhu..my baby bump is bigger than yours..how lah..

Putri Rex said...

haha. actually my baby bump tak ada sangat lagi fara :) how much kg u gain so far? I gained 2.5kg already :) hehe.. update yours pls. i nak tgk!

fara.rahman said...

i tak gain pon. turun pon tak. i'll update mine later. but seriously mine is huge compared to urs. :/