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Hi! I'm Putri Rex from Malaysia. I don't just go through life, but I grow through life.. Alhamdulillah!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Very soon!

 Hi there people! Al-Farrel is about to turn ONE!

 Alhamdulillah, Farrel is turning one soon. Very soon! In 3 days! :) InsyaAllah! 

I'm more than grateful baby! You've been nothing but a bless to us, alhamdulillah. 

Lemme update you his current behavior: 
  • He still is breastfeeding! Alhamdulillah. However dah campur formula in day time while I'm at work except weekday-lah!
  • He sleeps behavior during night time is pelik! Mesti nak baring on my chest/ fadhil's. (he sleeps with me mostly at night because that's the only time I have with him now ;/ )
  • Farrel knows how to get off the bed. Very well! InsyaAllah
  • He call me ..'nda' sooo cute!!! But haven't had the chance yet in video lah! Soon :) I'mma bit patience on that because I know when the time comes, I'll be the happiest bonda ever!
  •  Farrel dislike baby food! He eats like adult now! He love chicken wings tau! Boleh hisap sampai habis manis si-chicken wing tu! Haha
  • He loves elmo very much! Sampai kadang-kadang kalau nak pujuk Al- guna aja suara elmo, dia mesti gelak!

So many things to list down actually! Senang cerita nanti jumpa all on his 1st baby bash okay! I love you Al-Farrel! I really really do! 

 Al- bonda doakan alfarrel membesar menjadi orang yang berakhlak tinggi & insyaAllah berpendidikan tinggi. 
Ingat bonda selalu pesan, hormati menghormati tak kira kecik atau besar k!

Ohhh! Upin dah ipin pon favorite diaaa!!!! 
Betul betul betul!
I mean betul betul betul Upin & Ipin mempunya nilai nilai yang murni untuk tontonan anak anak kecil :)

Peluk cium,


Efira Nazri said...

cant wait !! betul betul betul !

Mrs.K said...

mesti cute gile u ckp betul3 tu