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Hi! I'm Putri Rex from Malaysia. I don't just go through life, but I grow through life.. Alhamdulillah!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Updates from Bukit Tinggi, Indonesia.

Hiiiiii from Indonesia :)
Hey y'alls, we safely arrived yesterday in Minagkabau Airport, Padang yesterday 8.20am.

You may not know, that I've Minang blood. Kuat punya! My Atok, Sutan Besar & My Moyang, Dato Melana but 24 years living, this is my first time melawat my grandparents' hometown Bukit Tinggi. Wow! Abah cakap this is some sorta honeymoon trip + family vaca too :)  

We had and still having fun here :) I have so much update about this trip, but now I just wanna say one thing. 

Fadhil, and my two brothers, Aan & Iman had an impromptu plan! They went hiking to Gunung Merapi. This moment! It takes approx 5 hours just to reach the peak. It's 10pm now, so about 3am sampai. Esok after sunrise continue turun balik. I doakan semua selamat :) Amin. 
I can't go, because my husband said so. *see sekarang dah lain sikit :) kalau husband tak kasi means tak boleh. No more memberontak. Pfft :)Tapi seriously, who ever knows me mesti pelik jugak I tak ikut. Fadhil mmg refuse sgt utk I join them. Tapi tak pela :) mesti ada hikmah. I boleh spend time dgn my sisters and esok boleh pegi shoppinggggg :)

Orait. Wish all of you have a wonderful time in Malaysia (& I tak rindu lagi Malaysia sbb I can eat alot of Ayam Penyet, Pecal Lele, Teh Botol Sosro, Nasi Padang & all their street food) Murahhh Murahh! Yum! 
Haiii.. Dah 2 weeks kawen tak stop makan! OMG! Haha. No!! :)

Love from Bukit Tinggi,
Putri & Family.

1 comment:

miSz cHa said...

have a great vacation!!=D