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Hi! I'm Putri Rex from Malaysia. I don't just go through life, but I grow through life.. Alhamdulillah!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Surprise-Bridal-Shower

 Warning! This entry is going to be full of pictures ;) I hope you readers enjoy it! 
Just recently, an amazing surprise-bridal-shower thrown on me. Organized by my best friend, Azyan Agil
We will go through all pictures and it'd be more fun if you can ipod shuffle mode to the song- if we ever meet again by Timberland feat Katty Perry.  hehe

Before, I was blindfolded ;) 
Blindfolded and Sesat don't mix yaw! Tapi in Alya cases, i understood ;) 
I was anxious and nervous okay! Luckily she was there holding me so tight! 


This is where we actually gathered! Good place to hangout!
1.2..3 .. comeone!
Bride-to-be badge! by Azyan Agil
Everyone else got badges too, with 'single' written on it! 

All :) Different circle of friends of mine gathered & I can feel the love yaw! Thank you babes!
Ive known her since 2004. And I'll make sure my kids and hers are besties too!
I didn't except her to be there. OMG! Terharu. She's a sweetheart, Tuty Elyance.
Liyana B in the house :)
My Alya, known her since school and I'm glad shes back and closed to my arm. I love you als!
Hugss lagi!? Awwwhh..
I actually love this picture!! Thanks brah!
I was shocked again :) Thank you ayannmama for the super scrumptious bride-to-be cake! 
Dear Azyan, a picture speaks thousand words. Nuff said! 
Amazeddd! I was the queen of the night and I am beyonddd happy!

Spontaneous roadtrip brought us together. I missed that ladies!
My favorite girl since in UiTM Melaka. She has a special place in my heart!
Nadira Alia 


My best friend is very creative indeed! :)
Just for your info, Im wearing:
Scarf (It's old and my fav) : South China Sea
Jacket(got it in Sgpore last march. Street shop along Haji Lane) : From Furneese 
Top: Bought it online
Pant: Forever 21
Shoe: Nose
Accessories: Ring from F21 /my engagement & merisik's Ring/ Casio Data Bank Watch.
These are just mix and match and I didn't actually planned to wear this :p
From the bottom of my heart, I want to thanked all of you for making this event such a memorable one. I wanted to cried because I am truly terharu but then if I cry that was like a farewell party pulakkan. So I hold back and I am beyondd ecstatic to this surprise bridal shower. 
The people in this bridal shower were actually different-different circle of friend. They are all connected to me of course but some of them are not connected at all but they managed to gathered and they were very sporting because we're celebrating love. 
Special thanks to Azyan Agil (the mastermind), most appreciated. I love you to bits. 
Alya Yasmin, I'm glad youre back and she was actually the one yang came out with the idea, so she contacted Azyan because Alya was away in Abu Dhabi.
Shira Choo Choo/ Liyana B/ Syasya Miyake: According to Azyan, they were the most excited among the excited :)
Kazrina/ Tuty/ Rina/ Sya/ Nadira Alia: For being such a sweetheart! xx
Ahhh! Can I get a group hug pleasee? Thank you once a gain. I really reallyyyy appreciate it :)

Much loves and respects.
Putri Rex, the bride-to-be


Anonymous said...

sheila a.k.a syasya miyake wuz here: terharu baca ur blog.. =)...love u babe!*hugs*

Putri Rex said...

:) awwwwhh thank you syasya :) keep eading and following my blog ok babe! i miss you.

Anonymous said...

i mmg baca ur blog pon..but i silent reader je ;)..i pon ada blog tp sudah kena hack..so now i jadi anonymous je ;p..huhuhu..

*syasya miyake*a.k.a*sheila*

Ja Ja Sechan said...

omg you're getting married.. congratulation.. :D

Ja Ja Sechan said...

omg congratulation puteri..:D

.kazrina. said...

Glad I was there to celebrate the love with beautiful people like you!


Putri Rex said...

syasya: :) buat la blog baru babe. and keep on reading my blog ok :D

jaja: hehe :) thank you jaja. insyaAllah nnt i kasi the invitation card ok my dear.

nana: awwwhh! nana bobana :) i cant wait for yours i bet its going to be this year juga :p