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Hi! I'm Putri Rex from Malaysia. I don't just go through life, but I grow through life.. Alhamdulillah!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Pulau Kapas, The 2nd Coming

Mood: Awesome.

Hi sweethearts. I'm back from Kapas yesterday (Monday, 4am) OMG! The trip was pretty much awesome. ;) I didn't get that much tanned as before. Alhamdulillah. Kalau tidak memang susah la eden nak putihkan balik muka eden ni haa :) Okay so here are some of the pictures. I'm still in progress of making vid.

From left: Wani, Tuty, Maza & Putri

Rakaman Hari Raya (';
Souvenir for omgputrirex (:

I got super excited ;)

Finally, everyone is in the frame, from Left;
Tuty, Aiza, Putri, Nash, Maza, Jonny, Wani, Ayin & Daus

We all sempat pergi Bundle (; and VINTAGE bags!!!!! It completed our journey!

Before we ended our trip, the Kristal Mosque (:


Tuty Sugargosh said...

Awesome trip!! jom roadtrip lagi :D

Putri Rex said...

I know! Kapas is the best Place to chill out kan ;) Let's road trip and hunt for a vintage bags babe! Haha. Kita mcm org gila kan.

ayan & mama said...

put gegeds.nampak best sgt trip u.neways,i just saw u put a link on your blog for my cupcake blog.tengs men.hehe.selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin.nnti dtg raya rumah k.