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Hi! I'm Putri Rex from Malaysia. I don't just go through life, but I grow through life.. Alhamdulillah!

Monday, June 11, 2012

It's been a while...

..Since I last met these lovely people ..

Rindunya nak jumpa this circle of friend! Farrel pon rindu nak main dengan kawan-kawan dia.. Kesian Al-Farrel sekarang ashik main kat rumah je. Looking at Farra's post almost every week,once, mesti bawa Thaqif pegi playground. I dah tak boleh wish I berhenti kerja, but I can only wish that rumah kita dekat, so petang-petang Auntie Farra ambil Farrel  and Farrel can join Thaqif! * I wished! 

Tapi it's okay, Alhamdulillah I'm so grateful & lucky for me & my family. Recently, I was in Indonesia for work purpose. I'm truly blessed with what Allah has set for me & my family. Betullah! Kalau kita melawat negara-negara lain we tend to be so grateful dgn apa yang kita ada. Just wait my post for my Indo trip k?

Pictures below, during Thaqif's 1st birthday bash which was a while ago!!! Sorry Qif! Major delay! I miss you and all of you in the pictures below! Wish we could spend more time and have a quality time anytime soon before you kids semua masuk pre-school! What!?? Noooo..    Nooo!! Parents please, let's meet up!

 My husband, Fadhil with the two kiddos! Thaqif 12 months & Al-Farrel 13 months.

 Adorable Mia. 
9 months young, wasn't you Mia?

 The mommies! :) Major catch up needed!!
Oh my favourite mommyhood-girlfriend! Kahkahkah! Term apa pon I tak tahu but Farra I know you know what I mean!! Please jumpaaaaa lahh!!!

So mommies! If you heard me!! ...Or Al-Farrel/ Thaqif/ Mia/ Lili cepat BBM each other and let's playdate!!! Haha. 
Till next time.

Bonda Al-Farrel!


Hana Ibrahim said...

looking good sayang

Putri Rex said...

thanks mommy! so do you :)