About me

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Hi! I'm Putri Rex from Malaysia. I don't just go through life, but I grow through life.. Alhamdulillah!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Current Addiction

Hi sweethearts, how are you doing? Hey! Do you watch 'Guiliana and Bill on Astro # 712? Omg! That has to be my fav reality tv show ever!!! I just looooved Guiliana eversince i saw her hosting the E! Daily 10 and etc. She is adorable and sweet! Oh jyeah! So.... I've been dreaming if let say, Guilana wants to do assignment for the E! Daily 10 (haha, konon la) and she asks me, what is my current addiction is?
I'll answer:

That would definitely be, browsing through my engagement album over and over ..and over again! I'm gaga over it. Hahahaa.


My ever home sweet home since I was 7 years old. No matter where I go, this is the best place to be.

Getting ready

Not to forget, fuegi got tooo excited too okayy!

I never thought of wearing this and having a makeup on my engagement.

... I feel so princess-y ;) ♥ ♥ ♥

Terpegun .... aaaahhhhh ;)

♥ ♥ Endless supports from them (L-R: Fara, Ranya, Kak M, and Me) ♥ ♥

Rombongan lelaki arrived ;)

Babah :)

Put a ring on it ;)

My vintage engagement bands ( I was surprised to get a bangle from Fadhil's Mom ;) )
Thank you very much, Fadhil & Mom!


My friends from UiTM (The rest are un-forgettable okay! You guys will be in my wedding, InsyaAllah)


My super loving father (endless love and support)
We Abah

Putri: 'Gimme 5, babe!'
Fadhil: 'How about I'll call you tonight?'

ps: Eventhough I am very happy to what I have owned today, I will always remind myself (and everyone) that everything and everyone in this world are just temporary. So let us be grateful and appreciate even a small thing given by Allah. -Al fatihah-

Truly am,
Putri Rex


Tuty Sugargosh said...

awww sweet! babe when is ur BIG DAY? u jadi ke pindah to states?

Putri Rex said...

;) my big day will be somewhere around this year. just wait for the invitation card okay hun! InsyaAllah, mesti jadi!

Anonymous said...

never got the chance to congratulate u. i deactivated my fb. malas nak bersosial. huahaha. neway. congratulations. hihi. dont forget to invite us. (harap kenal saya) Sekian.

Putri Rex said...

omg! i baru je baca :) hehe.. thank you zara :) xx